Acupuncture, one of the therapies originating from China. This therapy is said to have minimal side effects, and if done properly and by a competent therapist, can bring many health benefits. Does the same thing apply to pregnant women? Acupuncture is done by sticking very thin needles in several parts of the body. This traditional medical treatment, which is now medically recognized, is widely used to treat stress, migraines, tension headaches, neck pain, toothaches, joint pain, and pain after surgery. Safety for Acupuncture during Pregnancy Some studies suggest that acupuncture is relatively safe during pregnancy. However, this action is not recommended for the first trimester of pregnancy, because it can increase the risk of miscarriage. If done in the right way and by a competent person, acupuncture is said to have a variety of benefits and minimal side effects. Even so, pregnant women are still not recommended to do it too often. Various Benefits of Acupuncture for Pregnant...